A better forecast for individual health insurance


Like millions of Americans, Dr. Matthew Boente is very much optimistic about the country's healthcare system now that Joe Biden has been inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States. There is an air of hope and change, which has a lot of people looking forward.

Image source: thebalance.com

The fact is, for many years, many Americans have not been able to afford health insurance, given the enormous cost of premiums and deductibles. Another truth that many people have found disappointing is that Barrack Obama's Affordable Care Act or ACA has been all but affordable for the masses.

Joe Biden seeks to rectify this, but not by scrapping the ACA, like what several politicians from both sides would prefer the newly inaugurated American President to do. Biden's plan involves modifying the ACA, citing that the Affordable Care Act has brought about, even with its flaws. The strategy now seems to be geared toward creating more options for people when it comes to healthcare coverage.

Image source: americanhealthcarechoices.org

With new options, Biden hopes that hospitals and other healthcare institutions provide will lower their prices. There will also be an increase in tax credits' value to lower premiums and extend coverage to more Americans in the working class.

And this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, Dr. Matthew Boente MD adds.

Dr. Matthew Boente MD is a board-certified obstetrician, gynecologist, and gynecologic oncologist. From 2017 to 2018, Dr. Boente worked as Medical Director for US Medical Affairs, Gyn-Oncology in Genentech Inc. in San Francisco, where he led a large global cross-functional team responsible for the FDA approval of bevacizumab with chemotherapy in front line ovarian cancer. To know more about Dr. Boente, visit this website.


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