What reforms need to be done in America’s healthcare system?

Image source: theweek.com

Image source: time.com

There is a reason why people in America have a high chance of falling into debt after they avail of an emergency service. Only in America will you find people whose health card asks strangers NOT to call an ambulance during an emergency. People are crossing borders to avail of prescription medicine like insulin because they are cheaper there. Pharmaceutical companies even fly customers to other nearby countries for the same reason. Dr. Matthew Boente claims that the next presidential elections could be our way of fixing our healthcare system. Here are specific reasons why America’s healthcare system needs to be revamped.

Prices of medicine and procedures are out of control
There is very little regulation when it comes to the government coming in and negotiating prices with pharmaceutical companies. Manufacturers could impose higher prices without anyone stopping them. There’s also the problem of pharmaceutical companies pushing their products hard on physicians, which helped create the opioid epidemic we are currently experiencing.

People are being systematically removed from having healthcare
During the Obama administration, tens of millions of Americans were given proper health insurance. From 44 million who lacked coverage, the number fell to 27 million at the end of his term. But with Trump dismantling the previous administration’s efforts, close to 1.4 million Americans have once again lost their health insurances.

Not everyone is covered by a basic healthcare plan
Dr. Matthew Boente MD claims that America remains one of the last few highly developed countries in the world that still does not have universal healthcare for all its citizens. According to studies, our current system of privatized health insurance is costing our government more. This is why democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden’s healthcare plan prioritizes giving every American access to affordable health insurance.

Dr. Matthew Boente MD is a physician who specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology, with a subspecialty in Gynecologic Oncology. He received his medical degree from Rush Medical College in Chicago, Illinois, and completed his residency at Rush Presbyterian Medical Center. For more information about Dr. Boente, visit this blog.


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