Beyond 2020: How can Joe Biden's healthcare plan benefit Americans in need?

For 27 years, Dr. Matthew Boente MD worked as a gynecologic oncologist, and for a year, he worked in the biotech industry. As a recently retired medical professional, his goal is to advance medicine and healthcare in the U.S. During his time in the biotech sector, he saw how healthcare was declining and how medicine prices are rising. With the situation the world is facing these days, the U.S. needs affordable and accessible healthcare that will ease their worries about the future. The country also needs to boost its primary care, especially in rural areas.
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The passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, over 100 million people were freed from insurance-related worries such as higher premiums or coverage denial due to pre-existing conditions. Children up to 26 years old also have the option to stay under their parents' plans as they transition from school to the workforce. Since there's still a lot of areas that can be improved or added to the Affordable Care Act, Dr. Matthew Boente MD believes that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden can enact a better version of the existing act.

As a doctor who has worked in more than a dozen hospitals and cancer centers, Dr. Boente has noticed that many of the patients were uninsured. This limited their access to essential treatments. Presidential candidate Biden, with his plan, aims to increase coverage especially to low-income citizens. For those who can't avail insurance for its high premiums, the increasing value of tax credits will be used toward affordable premiums with better coverage. Instead of depending on insurance, others also have an option for a new public health insurance choice.

With the current healthcare system in place, many people are not given the best care that will lead to a better quality of life. These plans aim to allow citizens to get better treatment without having to spend beyond their ability.

Dr. Matthew Boente MD is an ovarian cancer expert who has served on the Ovarian Cancer Committee of the GOG , the Corpus Committee of the GOG, and on the National Comprehensive Cancer Center Network (NCCN) Cervix and Endometrial cancer screening innaugurqaltask force. Visit this page for more on healthcare and medicine.


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